Didier Rykner


  • A painting by Beccafumi for the Pinacoteca di Siena

    Since February, this Italian museum, now run by a Frenchman, the former director of the Musée des Augustins in Toulouse, Axel Hémery, has been showing a new painting by the 16th-century Sienese…

  • "The museum has been very generous!"

    "The museum has been very generous!" It is not uncommon to hear this phrase from exhibition curators to point out that this or that important work has been loaned, or that many of the objects on…

  • Threats to the heritage of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine

    The under-protection of France’s heritage, particularly in Paris, the incomprehensible lack of "sites patrimoniaux remarquables" in the capital with the exception of those in the 7th…

  • Antoine Caron, an exhibition at the Château d’Écouen

    The excellent retrospective exhibition devoted by the Château d’Écouen to the painter Antoine Caron, in addition to its many qualities, boasts an extraordinary feat that should encourage any art…

  • It is time to respect the Louvre Colonnade

    A meeting was organized today at the Paris Centre City Hall by its mayor Ariel Weil to launch a reflection on the "Place du Louvre," an inappropriate term since this one, which is in front of the…

  • A painting by Cornelis de Baellieur for Kassel

    The Gemäldegalerie in Kassel received as a gift from a collector last year a painting by the Flemish painter Cornelis de Baellieur depicting the Christ Carrying His Cross, painted on copper and of…