Didier Rykner


  • Back to L’Aquila (3). Il Museo Nazionale d’Abruzzo

    Since its creation in 1951, the National Museum of Abruzzo has been housed in the Forte Spagnolo of L’Aquila, built in the 16th century. This impressive fortress, designed by the architect Pere…

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  • A French artist’s decor at Sant’Andrea al Quirinale

    The church of Sant’Andrea al Quirinale, one of Bernini’s architectural masterpieces, is certainly one of the best known in Rome. But in this city of inexhaustible heritage, even the most famous…

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  • Back to L’Aquila (1), twelve years later

    In July 2011, just over two years after the earthquake that struck the Abruzzo town of L’Aquila, we visited the restoration work underway. At the time, the city was partly off-limits, and the…

  • Ingres. The artist and his princes

    We were thrilled with the visit. Reading the remarkable catalogue completes our conviction: this Ingres exhibition at the Château de Chantilly is a great success. It presents the five paintings…

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  • Boston buys the Saint Cecilia by Diana Di Rosa

    In our review of the last Maastricht Fair, we wrote that a painting presented by the Porcini gallery, Saint Cecilia with an Angel, had been acquired by an American museum. We can now give its…

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  • Pierre Alexandre Morlon, art in the service of the Republic

    Taking an interest in artists of local origin is one of the missions of French provincial museums, and we can only congratulate those who do so. Those born in Paris are often much less fortunate…

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  • Jacobus Vrel. Forerunner of Vermeer

    The biography of Jacobus Vrel, to whom the Fondation Custodia is devoting a remarkable retrospective, is a quick one to write: we know almost nothing about the artist, apart from his works (only…

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  • An exhibition on the Alps as a frontier

    It was 2012: the plans-reliefs were the subject of a high-profile and very expensive exhibition at the Grand Palais. At the time we wrote an article: "Musée des Plans-Reliefs: an exhibition. After…

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