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Hélène Duret to succeed Bruno Gaudichon

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1. Hélène Duret, future director of La Piscine in Roubaix
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2/5/24 - Appointment - Roubaix, La Piscine - One of France’s most endearing and unique museums is about to undergo a change of leadership with the announced departure of Bruno Gaudichon for a well-deserved retirement: as revealed by La Voix du Nord, he will shortly be replaced by Hélène Duret, who will take up her post at Roubaix on 1 September. We won’t go into the personality of La Piscine’s emblematic director, other than to point out that rarely has a museum been so closely linked to the taste and spirit of its curator, who has raised Roubaix to such a level of excellence that his successors will have a tough task ahead of them. The City of Roubaix, in consultation with the…

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