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A Manfredi for the Getty

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1/5/24 - Acquisition - Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum - It’s a happy company, at least at first sight. A group of men are drinking wine around an improvised table that looks like an ancient Roman altar, while listening to one of them play the lute. There are a few caveats to the celebrations: the figure on the right stares melancholically at the viewer, the hilt of his sword in full view, while a knife at the edge of the table is just as menacing. It’s only a short step from feasting to fighting. In the background, a couple of servants are having a picnic, one of them gobbling down victuals with his head upside down while the other drinks straight from the bottle, turning away so as not to be seen.

1. Bartolomeo Manfredi (1582-1622)
Drinking and Musical Party,…

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